Sunday 1 January 2017


Typing Practice

Typing Practice

(i) From Sentences

Type the following sentences (Thirukural) each ten times

In Praise of God
(Translation of Thirukural)

1. A begins the alphabet
And God, primordial, the world.

2. What use is that learning which does not lead
To the blessed feet of Pure intelligence?

3.  Long life on earth is theirs who clasp
The glorious flower-embedded feet.

4.  Never harmed are those who clasp the feet
Of the one beyond likes and hates

5.  The delusions caused by good deeds and bad
Shall never be theirs who seek God’s praises.

6.  Long life is theirs who tread the path
Of him who conquered the five senses

7.  None shall be free from carping care
Save those at the feet beyond compare

8.  The feet of the Lord with the Virtue-wheet
Will help to cross the sea of birth

9.  Palsied and useless the head unbowed
At the feet of the God of eightfold virtue

10. The ocean of births can be crossed by those
Who clasp God’s feet, and non else

(ii) From Paragraphs:

Type the following Paragraphs each ten times

What  is  the  difference  between  positive  thinking  and  positive  believing?   What if you could actually listen to your thoughts?  Ar e they  positive or negative? How are you programming your mind for success or  failure?   The  way  in  which  you  think  has  a  profound  effect  on  your  performance.

Having a positive attitude and being motivated is a choice we make ever y day. Living a positive life is not easy.. but then neither is negative living. Given a choice, I would rather go for a positive living. Positive thinking helps you use your abilities to the fullest.

Positive  believing is more than positive thinking.  It is knowing that positive thinking will work. Positive  believing is an attitude of confidence that comes with preparation.


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Net world
29 November 2021 at 12:40 delete

Good information and Typing Practice task. Definately Typing learner will get benifited from this lesson.
